Saturday, February 20, 2021



Brunei women are dressed in long skirts, long-sleeved tops and headdresses. Foreigners should not wear short skirts and sleeveless shirts. Avoid yellow clothes As it is considered the color of the king, the greeting shakes hands gently and the woman does not reach out to the man.Pointing at a person or thing is considered impolite. But will point my thumb instead And she does not use his left hand to deliver items to others. Women, when sitting, will not have feet pointing at men and do not make noise or laugh.

Eating with a Brunei People In particular, Muslim negotiators should be careful when ordering food. That is pork and alcoholic beverages Due to the violation of Islamic practices Do not eat pork And as a rule of thumb to ban alcohol, Brunei negotiators may be asked to help select restaurants. Brunei does not have a culture of tipping in restaurants. In the case of a large restaurant, a 10% service fee will be charged.

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