Saturday, February 20, 2021



* Worshiping is a unique and distinctive greeting in Thailand. Showing respect and respect for one another, in addition to greeting, paying respect to each other means thanking, apologizing, or saying goodbye.

* Khon is a traditional Thai dance The main feature is that the performer must wear all masks except for female monks and angels who perform by using dance moves and gestures. Continue the story according to chapters and parables, while the popular story is the Ramayana.


* Songkran, an old tradition, which is regarded as the celebration of the Thai New Year that has been adhered to, where there will be water, prayers, elders, pouring water, monks, make merit, give alms, release birds and fish Sand daisies and sand pagodas, plus a fun splashing of water



Brunei women are dressed in long skirts, long-sleeved tops and headdresses. Foreigners should not wear short skirts and sleeveless shirts. Avoid yellow clothes As it is considered the color of the king, the greeting shakes hands gently and the woman does not reach out to the man.Pointing at a person or thing is considered impolite. But will point my thumb instead And she does not use his left hand to deliver items to others. Women, when sitting, will not have feet pointing at men and do not make noise or laugh.

Eating with a Brunei People In particular, Muslim negotiators should be careful when ordering food. That is pork and alcoholic beverages Due to the violation of Islamic practices Do not eat pork And as a rule of thumb to ban alcohol, Brunei negotiators may be asked to help select restaurants. Brunei does not have a culture of tipping in restaurants. In the case of a large restaurant, a 10% service fee will be charged.



* Ordination ceremony Poy Sang Long or Poy Sang Long. It is an ordination ceremony that has been passed down for a long time and the people of Myanmar give great importance. Because it is considered to be favorable to the family


* The annual Phra That Chedi worshiping event, usually held in the month after the end of Buddhist Lent, is a fun celebration and merit making.



* In terms of music, Kan is considered a national instrument, with the band, the Mor-Lam and Bussabok dance, which are dances. They dance in an orderly manner, which is the joy of the Lao people at various auspicious events.


* Giving alms to monks with sticky rice is a highlight of Luang Prabang. Usually, they prefer to give alms to monks only on sticky rice because when the time comes, the villagers will bring the food to the temple to the temple called "Tawai Jang Han" Han ". And there is a cloth over the shoulder for Worship cloth as well



Much of Vietnam's art and culture is influenced by China and France. Vietnam has some important festivals including


* Tet Festival or "Tet Nguyen Dan"

Refers to the festival of the first dawn of the year. It is the most important religious festival. Held from late January to early February, it celebrates belief in Taoist gods, Confucianism and Buddhism, as well as worshiping ancestors.


* Mid-Autumn Festival

Held on the 15th day of the night in the 8th month of every year, villagers will contest to make Go Yuan or Trang Two Bananas. And there is a dragon dance procession for the moon



There are many indigenous peoples scattered on the island. Differentiate cultures and traditions of each locality



* Wayang Kilit

The shadow puppet show is the xylophone of the machine and is considered to be more beautiful and refined than any other type of show due to the multi-faceted principle of work. In ancient times, puppets made of leather and bands were used. That plays while


* Barong Dance

Traditional Balinese masks and puppeteers are used as characters. With live music playing for the performance of the story, this is the battle of Barong, the half-lion, who represents the gentry and Rangda, the sorcerer, the representative of the unrighteous side, who will eventually win.
* Batik cloth or Batik cloth

It is a traditional Indonesian fabric that is made using candles to cover up the unwanted part of the paint and use a dyeing method. Or dyeing the desired part to be colored Batik fabric, commonly used as a youth uniform It is used as a male headdress, a female headscarf, to cover men's trousers and sarongs, or to wrap around the body called a "batik" part that must be worn on the hips. With colorful patterns that are different from other parts of the same fabric



Due to the many nationalities, this land is full of different cultures. This includes the combination of cultures from other peoples and the preservation of cultural traditions of each group in each area.


* Sapin

It is a performance of a group dance which is a traditional art of the people of Malaysia. It is a dance that has been influenced by Arabia. Six pairs of female and male performers danced to the rhythm of the guitar and two drums playing from slow to fast.


* Tadau Kaamatan Festival

It is an annual festival of Sabah. Held at the end of May, the end of the rice harvest and the start of the new season, where cultivating rituals are held and traditional dances and traditional songs are performed to celebrate.



Singapore is a multi-ethnic and religious country. Give the country a diverse arts and culture for Singapore's major festivals to be festivals related to religious beliefs such as


* Chinese New Year

The Chinese New Year is held in February.

* Good Friday

It is held to commemorate the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross in April.

* Vesak Festival

It is held to commemorate the birth, enlightenment, and death of the Lord Buddha in May.


* Hari Raya Puasa Festival

The Muslim festivities are held at the end of the stone holding ceremony or Ramadan in October.


* Deepavali festival

The Hindu Festival of Lights and New Year's Eve takes place in November.



Filipino culture is a blend of western and eastern cultures. Most of which were influenced by Spain, China and America. The Philippines has major festivals including

* Ati - Atihan festival

It is held to commemorate and pay homage to the "Aetas", the first tribe to settle on an island in the Philippines. They commemorate Jesus Christ in childhood in the Etas tribal costume, then dance on the streets of Calibu.


* Sinulog Festival

This event takes place on the 3rd Sunday of January every year. It pays homage to Saint Santo Nino with music and fancy parades across Cebu.

* Din Daeng Festival

The event is dedicated to Saint Santo Nino and the Sinulog Festival but takes place on the 4th week of January. At Iloilo



* Raising the shameful voice of Saras, singing the honorable singing which included the dress and dance from Nang Apsorn at Angkor Wat.


* A traditional watering ceremony

The great annual Cambodia Festival is held in November to pay tribute to the river for its abundance. There will be a long boat race. Fireworks show and lighted boat convoy show


Thailand * Worshiping is a unique and distinctive greeting in Thailand. Showing respect and respect for one another, in addition to greeting...